The Development of Mind Mapping Based Buy and Sell Game Media to Improve Language Ability for Early Children
Development, mind mapping, buy and sell the game, language abilityAbstract
The results of the study are that 1) teachers and students need game media that can improve children's language. The media in question is media made of light materials, for example, wood and plastic, and is economical and easy to carry, besides that the media are expected to be attractive to children in playing games with these media, 2) the design of the mind mapping-based buy and sell game media development consists of several stages. The first stage is a mind-mapping image with a color combination. This mind mapping image consists of three types of images, namely pictures of a beautiful shop, a cheerful shop, and a happy shop, then toys sold consisting of guava, star fruit, banana, srikaya, and oranges. and salak fruit, then the sales box, 3) mind mapping-based buy and sell game media is appropriate to use to improve early childhood language skills in Kindergarten, Pamotan District, Rembang Regency. This can be seen from the indicator that children's language ability in the experimental class is better than in the control class, 4) Mind mapping-based buy and sell game media is effective in improving children's language skills based on experimental class 1, the value of Sig. 0.000 <0.05, or T-count 8.192 > T-table 2.1447. Experimental class 2 Sig. 0.000 < 0.05, or T-count 9.309 > T-table 2.14479. In conclusion, mind mapping-based buy and sell game media is suitable for use and has a positive influence on improving language ability in early childhood.
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