The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Project Based Learning Method on Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Pati Elementary School
Problem-based learning method, project-based learning method, mathematics learning outcomesAbstract
The learning model is the presentation of the entire series of teaching materials, including all aspects of the teacher before and after learning and all relevant facilities that are used directly or indirectly in the teaching process. The selection of the right learning model affects the implementation of the learning process. This study aims to determine the difference between the average problem-based learning model and the direct learning model, the difference between the project-based learning model and the direct learning model, and the difference between the problem-based learning model and the project-based learning model. This type of research uses an experimental research model. This study uses a research design "pre-test and post-test control group design". Data collection techniques in this study are tests, observations, and interviews. The data analysis technique in this study used a multiple regression test. The results of this study indicate that 1) students' mathematics learning outcomes in the problem-based learning model are more than students' mathematics learning outcomes in the direct learning model, 2) students' mathematics learning outcomes in the project-based learning model are more than students' mathematics learning outcomes in the direct learning model, 3) students' mathematics learning outcomes in the Problem-Based Learning method are more than students' mathematics learning outcomes in the Project-Based Learning method.
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