The Effectiveness of Straw Doll Assisted Storytelling Methods in Improving Children's Receptive Language Skills Kindergartners
Storytelling method, Straw Doll, receptive languageAbstract
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of straw doll-assisted storytelling in improving children's receptive language skills in Rembang Kindergarten. This research method uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with group B child research subjects in the Dahlia ECD cluster unit. The data collection techniques used by researchers are 1) interviews with educators, students and kindergarten principals, 2) observation, 3) questionnaire, 4) validation, and 5) documentation. The results showed the validity test with n = 10 and a significance value of 5% with r table 0.632. The results were declared valid because r calculated > r table, validation tests from material experts obtained an average score of 83.75%, and 93.75% means that they are included in the very decent category. In contrast, linguists obtained a score of 4, which is in the very good category. Data analysis to test effectiveness was shown in the results of calculating N-Gain in field tests as an experimental class obtained post-test results of 80.67 and 80.33, respectively, while for the control class, the post-test obtained 56.00 results. Based on the results of the feasible and effective in improving children's language skills.
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