Flipped Classroom and Discovery Models Effect on Science Learning Outcomes Grade V Elementary School Students
Discovery, flipped classroom, learning outcomesAbstract
In this study aims to analyze the effect of flipped classrooms and discovery models on students' science learning outcomes. Using the research instrument composed of test items and an observation checklist, data were gathered from 370 grade 5 students from the ten public elementary schools in the cluster. Wijaya Kusuma, Karangtengah, Demak to assess their knowledge and science process skills in 5th-grade elementary school learning and analyze the data using the homogeneity and normality prerequisite tests. and to analyze the hypothesis test using t-test and F-test using SPSS 25. The conclusions of the study are 1) The effect of the Flipped Classroom learning model on Learning Outcomes the Sig. is 0.006 smaller than < probability 0.05, t-count of 3.098 is greater than t-table > 2.086, 2) the effect of the Discovery model on Learning Outcomes the Sig. is 0.005 less than < probability 0.05, the t value is calculated of 3.160 is greater than t-table > 2.080, 3) Calculated F-value 94.918 > F-table 3.23. So as the basis for decision-making in the F test, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted in other words, the flipped classroom and discovery models simultaneously affect learning outcomes.
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