Development of a Project-Based Learning Model Based on Kudus Local Wisdom for Students Critical Thinking
Project based learning, local wisdom, critical thinkingAbstract
This study aims to describe the design of the learning model and analyze the feasibility of a Project-based Learning model based on local wisdom for the developed students' critical thinking skills. The specification of the development product is in the form of a class IV learning module with the theme 1, The Beauty of Togetherness. It is development research (R&D) concerning the Borg and Gall model. The source of this research is the fourth-grade students of Public Elementary School No. 2 Karangmalang, with a total of 22 students as the control group, and Public Elementary School No. 4 Rahtawu with a total of 24 students as the experimental class. Data collection techniques with questionnaires and tests. The data analysis technique for the feasibility of the module uses data analysis by material validators, media, and practitioners. The results showed that developing a Project Based Learning model module based on local wisdom was feasible. The results of media validation obtained a score of 149 with an average of 3 percentages of 75%, and the results of material validation obtained a score of 61 with an average of 3.8 and a percentage of 95%. From the validator, practitioners obtained a score of 64 with an average of 3.64 and a percentage of 90%.
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