The Effect of Google Classroom and WhatsApp Group on The Interests and Students' Learning Outcomes of Natural Science in Class 4


  • Siti Zulaekah Muria Kudus University, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Rismiyanto Muria Kudus University, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Murtono Muria Kudus University, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA



Google classroom, WA group, interests, learning outcomes


The purpose of this study was to find out the significant influence of learning by using Google Classroom and WA Group on student outcomes in the Natural Science subject of grade four elementary school in Gajah Mada Cluster Bonang. This research is a type of quantitative. Instrument tests use validity tests and reliability. The final analysis test uses regression, F, t, and coefficient of determination. The results showed there was a significant difference between learning using Google Classroom and WhatsApp Group for students' learning interests. Based on the output table independent samples test in the section equal variances assumed known Sig. value (2-tailed) of 0.006 <0.05, then as the basis of decision making in the independent sample t-test can be concluded that Ho was rejected, and Ha accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant (noticeable) difference between the average student's learning interest in the experimental class and the control class. It means the same as between learning using Google Classroom and WhatsApp Group effect the learning outcomes of elementary school students in the Natural Science subject in Bonang. Based on the output table independent samples test in the section equal variances assumed known Sig. value (2-tailed) of 0.016 <0.05, then as the basis of decision making in the independent sample t-test can be concluded that Ho was rejected, and Ha accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant (real) difference between the average learning outcome of students in the experimental class and the control class.


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How to Cite

Siti Zulaekah, Rismiyanto, & Murtono. (2022). The Effect of Google Classroom and WhatsApp Group on The Interests and Students’ Learning Outcomes of Natural Science in Class 4. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(4), 47–53.

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