Analysis of Principal Leadership Strategies in Improving Teacher Performance
Leadership Strategy, Teacher PerformanceAbstract
This study aims to determine the leadership strategy of principals in elementary schools in Cendono sub-district, Kudus’s district. This research uses qualitative methods using a descriptive approach. The results of the study show that the principal of the Cendono Kudus Elementary School has competence in accordance with government regulations and has a good and ideal leadership strategy and supports teacher performance towards professionalism. Based on the analysis, it shows that the leadership strategy applied is a democratic and participatory leadership strategy, so that ideas and inspiration from teachers and education staff can be developed. Democratic and participatory leadership strategies also provide opportunities to overcome various problems and find solutions together. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the leadership of the principal of SD 6 Cendono Dawe Kudus is included in the democratic and participatory category. The leadership strategy of the head of SD 6 Cedono in improving teacher performance in schools is to develop various programs to optimize school asset capital consisting of human assets, social assets, physical assets, environmental assets and financial assets. Human asset development programs are various programs related to human resources, namely school principals, teachers, students, committees and the community. Social development programs are related to various programs related to social relations that exist in schools. This relationship is the relationship between teachers and principals, teachers and teachers, as well as teachers and committees and the community.
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