Improving The Quality of Learning Through Teacher Competency Management in Developing Teaching Materials
Quality of learning, teacher competency management, developing teaching materialsAbstract
The objective of this study was to assess teacher competency management in the development of teaching materials at MTs Safinatul Huda Kedung Jepara, with the aim of enhancing the quality of education at the school. The research adopted a qualitative design and employed a case study methodology. Various techniques, such as interviews, observations, and document analyses, were utilized for data collection. The findings of the study emphasize the significance of teacher competence in developing teaching materials, as it directly impacts the quality of learning. Teacher competence cannot be developed in isolation but requires management intervention by school leadership. At MTs Safinatul Huda, teacher competency management encompasses planning, implementation, and evaluation phases. During the planning stage, the principal collaborates with teachers to establish a semester work program that serves as a guideline for activities. The plan undergoes internal coordination before implementation. Coordination meetings are conducted by the principal to engage stakeholders within the school environment. In the implementation phase, tasks involve training, assignments, and support for teachers in developing teaching materials. Finally, the activities are evaluated to assess their implementation and effectiveness.
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