Development of Local Wisdom-Based Market Games to Improve Language Skills of Kindergarten B Rembang Children


  • Esri Meiyanti Universitas Muria Kudus, Kudus, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Nurudeen Babatunde Bamiro Lagos State University, Lasu Main Rd., Ojo 102101, Lagos, NIGERIA



Market games, language skills, local knowledge


This study examines the use of market games based on local knowledge in Rembang to enhance the language skills of Kindergarten B pupils. The research employed the Borg and Gall research and development (R&D) methodology, comprising ten stages. The target population consisted of Kindergarten B children in the Dewi Sartika Group, Rembang, with a sample size of 50 children from three kindergartens. Data gathering methods included observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis involved quantitative descriptive analysis, preliminary tests, and t-tests. The findings revealed that developing market games based on local wisdom in Rembang is crucial for improving the language skills of Kindergarten B children in Rembang. These games, validated by Materials and Language Experts, have been effective in enhancing language proficiency. The t-test results (21.189) significantly exceeded the t-table value (4.381), with an NGain value of 71, indicating "Effective" improvement. Therefore, incorporating these locally informed market games is a viable strategy for enhancing language proficiency in Kindergarten B Rembang. Based on the study, it is recommended to create market games rooted in local wisdom as they are necessary, feasible, and successful in meeting the needs of children and teachers. The integration of local wisdom into learning processes proves to be advantageous.



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Author Biography

Esri Meiyanti, Universitas Muria Kudus, Kudus, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA




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How to Cite

Esri Meiyanti, & Bamiro, N. B. (2023). Development of Local Wisdom-Based Market Games to Improve Language Skills of Kindergarten B Rembang Children. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(4), 9–12.

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