The Effect of School Principal Supervision on Job Satisfaction of Elementary School Teachers in Demak District
Effect, principal supervision, job satisfaction, elementary schoolAbstract
The background of the problem in this research is the low satisfaction of teachers with the assessment system carried out by the principal during the implementation of academic supervision because the principal does not understand supervision well. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of principal supervision on the job satisfaction of elementary school teachers in the Demak Regency. This research design is non-experimental or ex posts facto. The population of this study was 310 civil servants in elementary schools in Demak Regency. The sample in this study used 175 probability sampling techniques spread over 14 districts. Data analysis techniques include instrument testing, prerequisite testing, and hypothesis testing. The result of this research is that there is a significant influence of principals' supervision on teacher job satisfaction. which is expressed by the equation Y = 38.390 + 0.474X1 correlation strength of 0.404 with a contribution of 0.163 or 16.3% and 83.7% is influenced by other factors from outside the study so that hypothesis 1 is accepted and proven.
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