The Development of LKS with an open-ended approach for learning mastery of mathematical concepts of grade V students
LKS, Open ended, Development, Mastery of conceptsAbstract
The research was motivated by various problems that arise in learning in elementary schools, especially mathematics learning. The problem is still low reasoning and problem-solving ability in mathematics learning, mathematics is a scourge that students fear is considered a difficult lesson, teachers teach using LKS but no LKS has been developed with an open ended approach that refers to mastering students mathematical concepts. The average LKS that exists, only presents math problems whose solutions use formulas that have been taught by the teacher, so that students are not able to solve problems with different problem models. The purpose of the study was to analyze the needs of learning media, design, and feasibility of developing Student Worksheets with an open ended approach to learning mastery of mathematical concepts of grade V elementary school students. The research method uses which includes 10 steps; Research and Development design yang meliputi 10 langkah; Research and Information Collecting, planning, Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field Testing, Main Product Revision, Main Field Testing, Operational Product Revision, Operational Field Testing, Final Product Revision, Dissemination and Implementation. Data collection techniques with interviews, observations, assessment of media and material experts, questionnaires / questionnaires. The product resulting from the development research is in the form of an open-ended based Student Worksheet (LKS) for mathematics learning for grade V elementary school students on "fractional" material that has been revised based on suggestions from material and media experts. The results of the study were known to have differences between the control group and the experimental group, which showed a significant increase in students' mastery of mathematical concepts from the Development of Student Worksheets with an Open Ended approach.
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