Development of Syekh Jangkung Animation Media in Improving Early Childhood Social Skills
Animated media, Syekh Jangkung characters, social skillsAbstract
The background of this research is that there are still some children whose social-emotional abilities have not developed optimally, as seen from children who do not play with other children in their surroundings, lack children who do not want to share, lack children who do not want to help, lack of being cooperative with friends, lack of a sense of responsibility, do not have high self-confidence and judging from the condition of the child who does not like to be tied down, does not like lessons, cannot carry out obligations yet, feels bored with learning activities because of monotony, children just want to play and throw away -waste of time. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the two-dimensional animation media development module based on the Syekh Jangkung character in improving social skills. The research method used is quantitative with a non-equivalent control group design approach. The subjects in this study were private kindergarten students in Pati Regency. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The instrument used in this study is a test instrument. Data analysis was performed to see the mean difference between the two samples using the t-test. The results showed that the two-dimensional animation media development model based on the character of Syekh Jangkung was effectively used to improve early childhood social skills. It can be seen from the average social ability score of the experimental class, which is higher than that of the control class.
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