Acculturation Values Contained in the Visual Culture of the Holy Tower for Demangan Elementary School
Acculturated values, visual culture, elementary schoolAbstract
This study examines the application of cultural acculturation values in the visual culture of Menara Kudus Elementary School Demangan Kudus. Elementary School Demangan Kudus is a public school that has the principle of preserving the culture around it, namely, the Menara Kudus building. The type of research used is a qualitative approach to ethnographic methods with field research types. The procedure for an ethnographic research cycle includes six steps: 1) selection of an ethnographic project, 2) submission of ethnographic questions, 3) collection of ethnographic data, 4) preparation of an ethnographic record, 5) analysis of ethnographic data, and 6) writing an ethnography. The data collection used is observation, interviews, and documentation. The study results show that Elementary School Demangan Kudus always applies acculturated values in the visual culture of Menara Kudus, such as religious values, tolerance, and politeness.
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