Using Pop Up Book Media for Poetry Therapy for Mental Disabilities
disability, media, pop-up, poetry, therapyAbstract
Mentally disabled people have a desire to express their thoughts, feelings, and expectations though appropriate media and be appreciated for their existence. The expressions constructed and written by a mentally disabled person are expressions of a long-thought-out mindset. The purpose of this research is, first, to know the patterns of poetry therapy according to the characteristics of mental disability in the Holy District. Second, to learn about the use of media pop-up books for poetry therapy for mental disabilities in the Holy District. The method used in this research uses a qualitative method with a narrative approach. This research data is obtained from the results of observations, interviews, and documentation of mental disabilities in the Holy District. The results of this research first show that the pattern of poetry therapy for mental disabilities in the Holy District is implemented through an authentic approach according to the circumstances in the field, and poetry is adapted to interests, hobbies, as well as habits or characteristics of mental disability. Secondly, the use of audio, visual, and audio audio is effective in the poetry therapy of mental disabilities; through its use, the mental disabled can write poetry based on the thoughts, hopes, and feelings they have been thinking all along.
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