Analysis of Traditional Games on Children's Social Skills in Muria Indah Kudus Housing


  • Diyah Agnesti Monita Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia
  • Wawan Shokib Rondli Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia
  • M. Syafruddin Kuryanto Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia
  • Elango Periasamy Innovation and Quality Department, National Institute of Educational Management and Leadership, Ministry of Education, 62604 Putrajaya, Malaysia



Traditional games, children, social skills


Traditional games have many benefits in all aspects of early childhood progress which include physical motor, social and emotional, moral, cognitive, and language development. Knowing the various kinds of traditional games in Muria Indah housing complex. Describe the values in traditional games in Muria Indah housing that impact children's social skills, and identify the various impacts that traditional games on children's social skills. By playing, they socialize and interact with peers. Thus, through play activities, children can practice their social skills. However, children who live in housing tend to prefer modern games over traditional games. This study was conducted with the following objectives: 1) to find out the types of traditional games played by children living, and 2) to explore the impact of traditional games on children's social skills in Muria Indah Kudus housing. This research uses qualitative methods to get answers to the formulation of the problems. The data to be explored are the types of traditional games and the possible impact on social skills in children living in Muria Indah Kudus housing. The source of data used is children who are in the housing. To collect data, the author uses observation sheets and interviews. The data collected will be analyzed following the stages suggested by Miles and Huberman. In this study, Muria Indah housing children still play with traditional toys. They play in the afternoon with peers, and their social skills can relate positively to peers and spend the afternoon playing with their teammates. Children in Muria Indah housing who play traditional games can collaborate with their peers during afternoon playtime.


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How to Cite

Monita, D. A., Rondli, W. S., Kuryanto, M. S., & Periasamy, E. (2023). Analysis of Traditional Games on Children’s Social Skills in Muria Indah Kudus Housing . ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(3), 18–23.