Development Of E-APE Interactive Media For Languange Learning For Early Childhood


  • Elok Khafidhoh Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia
  • Ifrai Fathurohman Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia
  • Wawan Shokib Rondli Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia



Early childhood, Language, Interactive Media E-APE


The research has several objectives including 1) knowing what needed by teachers and students for media for development, 2) making media development designs, 3) analyzing the feasibility of media development and 4) analyzing  the has an E base –APE for the continuation of language teaching  and learning for early childhood in Donorojo District, Jepara Regency. Research conducted by researchers refres to the theory of brog and gall, namely the process of research and gathering information, planning, initial product development, initial trials, product improvements, field trials, final product improvements and then dissemination. Testing for the level of effectiveness uses a quasy experiment, non-equivalent control group design and documentation prerequisite test carried out included normality tests, homogeneity tests, hypothesis analysis using product validity tests and effectiveness tests using the best T test, This study provided several results including, 1) there is a “needed” for  the continuity of language teaching and learning for early childhood in Donorojo District, Jepara Regency, 2) the design of interactive media development which has an E-APE basis named AYOMA or let’s Learn Together with a wide selection of themes such as the theme of yourself, sports, transportation to the environment. The design is presented in electronic from that utilizes a mixture of brown base colors, accompanied by photos, vocabulary to music to attract children’s desire to learn, 3) The level of feasibility of developing E- APE interactive media in the context of teaching early childhood language in Donorojo District, Jepara Regency has very good validity test results on material, language, media, 1,media 2 so that it can be concluded that interactive media that has an E-APE basses suitable for use for teaching snd learning activites, 4) The results show that has an E-APE basis is effective for improve children’s language skills compared to teaching and learning activities that do not utilize interactive media on an E-APE basis.


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How to Cite

Khafidhoh, E., Fathurohman, I., & Rondli, W. S. (2024). Development Of E-APE Interactive Media For Languange Learning For Early Childhood. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 1–6.


