Development of Cultural Video Based on Local Wisdom Menara Kudus Civics Subject
Interactive video, PPKn, local wisdomAbstract
In the advancement of educational practices, fostering cognitive skills is crucial. Evidence from field research indicates that many schools continue to lack engaging and technology-enhanced learning resources, resulting in passive learning experiences for students. Pancasila and Civics Education (PPKn) is one of the compulsory subjects for a school students in Indonesia. The research objectives are to develop virabu learning media and media design; to identify the feasibility of virabu media; to determine the effectiveness of virabu media. This research uses the Research and Development research method with the Borg and Gall model. The stages of this research are 1) preliminary study and data collection, 2) research planning, 3) product design development, 4) limited field testing, 5) revision of limited field test results, 6) extensive field testing, 7) extensive revision of field test results, 8) due diligence, 9) final revision of due diligence results, 10) socialization and implementation of the final product. The subjects of this research were determined using purposive sampling and then two classes were taken consisting of control and experimental classes. The classes taken have the same level based on the subject Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) and school accreditation. The researcher took class IV at SDN 1 Japan Pakis and SDN 3 Kesmabi. Data collection methods in this research used test, documentation, questionnaire and interview techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis is used to analyze the needs for developing Interactive Video media, analyzing the results of tests on validity, practicality and effectiveness of the media to improve students' cognitive abilities. The research results show that students and teachers need media. The effectiveness test results were carried out using the T test calculation. The T test results showed that there was no significant difference in the pre-test average. so that the posttest result is less than 0.05, namely the sig value reaches 0.000. It can be concluded that there was an increase in post-test scores in the experimental class and control class, so that the media developed was declared effective on student learning outcomes. After the media was developed, the final result was that Virabu media could be used in learning and had a very good category.
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