Analysis of the Connotational Meaning of Song Lyrics in the Album “Konspirasi Alam Semesta”by Fiersa Besari


  • Irfai Fathurohman Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Amarta Kholifatul Insyiroh Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Noor Ahsin Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Mohammad Kanzunnudin Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Mila Roysa Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia



Song Lyrics, Connotations, Semiotics Roland Barthes


Song lyrics are an imaginary literary work from the author which is expressed using beautiful words and using harmony. However, song lyrics often contain many hidden meanings. Poets and musicians often base their songs on personal experiences. Therefore, semantics describes how connotative meaning (meaning related to associations) is used to express the message or emotion of the song lyrics that is necessary to understand what is happening. Fiersa Besari's album Conspiracy of the Universe by Fiersa Besari contains 16 song titles, but in this article the researcher only examined 7 song titles, namely, Conspiracy of the Universe, Kau, Second Place, Frontier Line, Without Because, Epilogue and Kelana. Data analysis methods used in the research This is a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection technique in this research uses listening techniques followed by note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, in Barthes' theory it is said that connotative meaning is defined as meaning that can be attributed to an image beyond the level of clear denotation. . The primary data source used in this research is the album Conspiracy of the Universe by Fiersa Besari. The data is the 16 songs on the cassette and the lata lyrics are the 16 songs on the cassette. Secondary data sources used in this research include literature in the form of writings related to the research object in the form of journals as well as a book entitled Elements of semiology written by Roland Barthes The results of the data found in this research mean connotation, there are 28 data containing connotation meaning consisting of 19 phrases and 9 words.


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How to Cite

Fathurohman, I., Kholifatul Insyiroh, A., Ahsin, M. N. ., Kanzunnudin, M. ., & Roysa, M. (2023). Analysis of the Connotational Meaning of Song Lyrics in the Album “Konspirasi Alam Semesta”by Fiersa Besari. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(3), 74–83.

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