The Effectiveness of Snakes and Ladders Assisted Discovery Learning Model in Kindergarten B Gugus Kardinah Kendal
Discovery Learning, Traditional Games, Snakes and LaddersAbstract
Early childhood requires educational efforts to achieve all aspects of optimal development, both physical and psychological development, especially in terms of children’s cognitive- psychomotor growth and abilities. Therefore, a learning system is needed that motivates children’s learning interest in new inventions that are able to develop learning systems that involve children with a learning system while playing using learning media. This research is a Research and Development which is designed to find the right model product findings to be used practically in the field of education. The steps are: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics, N-Gain test and linear regression. Data validity techniques include quantitative data and qualitative data using concurrent triangulation at the same time. The two data are then compared to find out whether there is convergence, difference, or combination. The conclusion from the results of the study is that the learning model is appropriate for use in improving children’s cognitive abilities in Kindergarten B Gugus Kardinah Kendal, this is based on the validity test of linguists, the validity of the learning model expert and the validity of the material expert which provides an assessment that the discovery learning model is aided by the traditional game of snakes and ladders suitable for use in the good category. An effective learning model can improve children’s cognitive abilities in Kindergarten B Gugus Kardinah Kendal, this is based on the average value of children’s cognitive abilities from the experimental class having children’s cognitive abilities that are relatively better compared to the control class using conventional learning models.
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