Sociolectic Language Variations in the Film Series Lara Ati Season 1 by Bayu Eko Moektito
Sosiolinguistic, Language Variation, SosiolectAbstract
The focus of this research is the problem of language variation that occurs in the film series Lara Ati season 1. Language variation is the use of different languages in a language group. The focus of research is the dialect language variations found in the film series. This research aims to obtain information about variations in language forms of sociolect contained in the film series Lara Ati Season 1. It is hoped that this research can be a means of preserving sociolect that occurs in community dialogue. The research method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative. This qualitative research approach involves presenting the results of the analysis in descriptive form. The data taken in this research is related to linguistic aspects. The data source for this research is the film series Lara Ati Season 1. Meanwhile, in this research, data was obtained from conversations or dialogue between characters in the Lokadrama Lara Ati Season 1 by Bayu Eko Moektito. In this research, data was collected by applying listening methods and note-taking techniques. The note-taking technique in this research was applied after going through the process of watching the video film series Lara Ati Season 1 by Bayu Eko Moektito, the researcher recorded important information for later analysis. Based on the researched data, there were findings of two variations of regional dialects in the film series Lara Ati Season 1. There are 15 sociolects contained in this film series that show that social status influences a person's language.
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