Cultural Values of Samin Community Traditions in Baturejo Village, Sukolilo District, Pati, Central Java


  • Mohammad Kanzunnudin Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Eva Putri Shahira Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Noor Ahsin, Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Irfai Fathurohman Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Mila Roysa Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia



Cultural Values, Marriage, Death, No Formal Schooling, Samin Traditions


This research is motivated by the Samin Sedulur Sikep tradition in Baturejo Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency, which has cultural values ​​that can provide knowledge and lessons to listeners of the traditional stories of the Samin Sedulur Sikep community. This research aims to analyze the cultural values ​​that exist in the traditions of the Samin community (sedulur sikep) in Baturejo Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency. This research uses qualitative research with an ethnographic approach carried out in Baturejo Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency. The object of this research is the Samin (Sedulur Sikep) tradition. The data sources for this research are village officials, community leaders, environmental activists, cultural observers, and the Sedulur Sikep Community. This research uses data collection techniques in the form of literature study, observation, and interviews through the stages of note-taking, note-taking, photo documentation, and transcripts. Data analysis used in this research uses qualitative analysis with data reduction, data display, and data conclusions. The results of the research show that the Samin Community Tradition (Sedulur Sikep) in Baturejo Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency has cultural values ​​in the form of ideas or ideas, cultural values ​​in the form of daily activities or activities, and cultural values ​​in the form of artifacts or cultural results. The traditional wedding procession goes through four stages, namely (1) "Nyumok" procession, (2) "Ngendek" procession, (3) "Pasuwitan" procession, and (4) "Seksenan" procession.


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How to Cite

Kanzunnudin, M. ., Shahira, E. P. ., Ahsin, , M. N., Fathurohman, I. ., & Roysa, . M. . (2022). Cultural Values of Samin Community Traditions in Baturejo Village, Sukolilo District, Pati, Central Java. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 87–94.

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