The Values of Character Education in the Nyadran Tradition in Dowan Village
Character education, tradition, NyadranAbstract
One of the traditions still developing and routinely carried out by the people of Dowan Village is the Nyadran tradition. The Nyadran tradition is an expression of gratitude for the people of Dowan Village for being given abundant harvests. This study aims to determine what character values are contained in the Nyadran tradition to strengthen character education. Character values are formed through cultural values that are passed down through tradition. It has educational meanings with character values that greatly influence the people of Dowan Village. This qualitative research uses a case study approach in Dowan Village, Gunem District, Rembang Regency. The object studied is the Nyadran tradition with data collection techniques. Triangulation of sources and techniques in observation, in-depth interviews, documentation and recording. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and verification or conclusion. The results of this study explain that in the Nyadran tradition, positive values make it still exist today. The values contained include religious values, tolerance, Love for the motherland, care for the environment, and social care. Based on these data, this study shows that the Nyadran tradition is routinely carried out annually by the people of Dowan Village because it contains positive meanings and values.
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