Analysis of Humanitarian Skills Learning Using the Demonstration Method by Uploading Assignments on YouTube
Personality skills, demonstration methods, assignments, You TubeAbstract
This research is based on the practice of learning Civilization Techniques for Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program students. As a speaking skills course, the Civil Service Engineering lectures carried out need to be evaluated to get a comprehensive picture of the success of the learning. In line with that, this research aims to implement a demonstration method by uploading assignments on YouTube for humanities learning. Researchers used document study techniques and questionnaires to collect data. Researchers distinguish two types of data in data analysis: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data obtained from document studies were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis model: collection, reduction, verification and conclusion of analysis results. Quantitative data was obtained from questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The results of this research are described as follows. First, in evaluating context and process aspects based on indicators that researchers had determined, it was found that there was conformity between the RPS, teaching materials and other supporting documents and the results of the questionnaire analysis. Second, in the aspect of process and product evaluation, there are parallels between the results of the document study and the questionnaire. It means that the indicators evaluated in the document are by the results of the student questionnaire. Improving documents such as the RPS and teaching materials and attachments is an important thing to consider in the future through adapting context, input, processes and products.
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