Development of Natural Science Teaching Book Based on Local Wisdom for The Improvement of Learning Outcomes of Students of Grade IV Public Primary School 2 Karangmangu District Sarang Rembang Regency
Teaching books, local wisdomAbstract
A teaching book can be defined as a paper in the form of a book in a particular field, which is a standard book used by teachers and students in the teaching and learning process for instructional purposes and purposes, which is equipped with suitable teaching facilities and easily understood by the user in schools and colleges to support the teaching program. The purpose of this study analyzed the development of Natural Science teaching books based on local wisdom in grade IV students of Sarang District of Rembang Regency. The research methods used in this study use Research and Development research methods by showing an increase in student learning outcomes in grade IV elementary school Natural Science materials drawn from test techniques and practicums. The research was conducted in the Pasopati group, namely Public Elementary School No. 2 Karangmang, Public Elementary School No. 1 Karangmangu, and Public Elementary School Temperak District Sarang Rembang Regency. The data analysis used includes analysis of written test results and analysis of average comparison of written test results. Based on the test technique obtained results 87% of students can use Natural Science textbooks based on local wisdom in grade IV elementary school. This study concludes the development of local wisdom-based Natural Science teaching books can be used to improve grade IV Natural Science learning outcomes in elementary schools.
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