The Development of Number Card Assistant Engklek Game to Boost Motor Ability of Kindergarten Children


  • Indang Supriatin Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Mohammad Kanzunnudin Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Sumaji Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA



Learning media, engklek game, number card, motor


One of the developments in early childhood is motor development. This research is motivated because the motor skills of children in kindergarten have not reached the expected target. Children's motor skills are less developed because learning is less varied. Types of learning media related to motor development aspects are still limited. Kindergarten children's learning media does not attract students' interest so it makes children bored. Teachers are less creative in making student learning media. Lack of teacher attention in increasing students' interest in learning, especially in the field of motor competence. Students learning motivation is still low to improve motor skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the design of learning media development based on an engklek game with the help of number cards to improve the motor skills of kindergarten children. This research method is Research and Development (R&D). The population is teachers and students of Kartika 2 Kindergarten in Tlogotunggal Village, Sumber District, Rembang Regency, totaling 20 children. Data were collected by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques with questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation. The research instrument was validated theoretically, which was consulted with research supervisors and also validators which in this study were material experts, learning media experts, and teachers. This study resulted in an attractive illustrated number card design for kindergarten children that could increase children's interest in learning and it was hoped that teachers would be more creative in making learning media for children.


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How to Cite

Supriatin, I., Kanzunnudin, M., & Sumaji. (2022). The Development of Number Card Assistant Engklek Game to Boost Motor Ability of Kindergarten Children. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1, 39–44.

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