Theorizing Holistic Framework of Family Emotional Support on Student Learning Motivation in Higher Education Institution


  • Hai Lin Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, City University MALAYSIA
  • Zaheril Zainudin Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, City University MALAYSIA



Holistic framework, family emotional support, learning motivation, higher education institution


This article explores the holistic framework of family emotional support and its influence on student learning motivation in higher education institutions. Family emotional support, encompassing emotional encouragement, guidance, and support, plays a pivotal role in shaping students’ academic experiences and its drive to succeed. The holistic framework highlights the interconnectedness between emotional well-being, family dynamics, and student academic performance. It recognizes that a nurturing family environment can enhance students’ resilience, reduce stress, and promote a sense of security, all of which contribute to heightened motivation. By integrating emotional support into students’ educational journeys, families create a foundation for academic success and personal growth. The article explores key factors such as the emotional climate at home, open communication, and parental involvement, all which influence student motivation. Understanding such dynamics allows educational institutions to create strategies that involve families in supporting students, ultimately leading to improved academic performance and student well-being. This framework emphasizes the importance of collaboration between families and institutions in fostering a positive, motivating educational environment.


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How to Cite

Lin, H., & Zainudin, Z. (2024). Theorizing Holistic Framework of Family Emotional Support on Student Learning Motivation in Higher Education Institution. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(5), 91–106.