Meta Analysis of Conceptualizing Clinical Legal Education Practice (CLEP) in Higher Education Institution
Meta-analysis, clinical legal education practice (CLEP), higher education institutionsAbstract
The Clinical Legal Education Practice (CLEP) in law education courses constitutes one of the most influential and valuable pedagogical strategies, as well as a critical area of research for efficiently delivering legal understanding. Thus, this article articulates the term and idea of CLEP, which is fundamentally practicing law on a non-profit basis for a purpose of helping the needs of the public as well as an assortment of individuals in society who have limited access to legal assistance. Based on meta-analysis investigation, this article conceptualized a few aspects. This includes the defining CLEP; pedagogical differences between the Socratic method and experiential learning aspirations of CLEP; benefits of CLEP; and challenges of CLEP. Aside from that, this article discusses the long history of CLEP in several countries, including China, India, and the United States of America (USA). Finally, given the scope of its significance of growing CLEP throughout the globe, it accomplishes two distinct goals: to give students hands-on legal expertise in addition to theoretical legal understanding, and to help individuals in society in demanding justice in the law. However, one of the biggest issues now confronting the legal system in higher education institutions is a shortage of experienced legal academics to accommodate the enormous number of students to legal education.
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