Development of Loose Part-Based Smart Wheel Media in Recognizing Concept of Numbers and Symbols in Early Childhood Numeracy
Smart wheel, loose parts, number conceptAbstract
The purpose of this study is to 1) Analyze the needs of the loose part-based smart wheel media development model in recognizing the concept of numbers and symbols of early childhood numbers, 2) Formulate a loose part-based intelligent wheel media development model design in recognizing the concept of numbers and symbols of early childhood numbers, 3) Analyze the feasibility of the loose part-based smart wheel media development model in recognizing the concept of numbers and symbols of early childhood numbers, 4) Analyze the effectiveness of the loose part-based smart wheel media development model in recognizing the concept of numbers and symbols of early childhood numbers. This research method uses the R&D method. The data collection techniques used by researchers are 1) Interviews with educators, students and kindergarten principals; 2) Observation; 3) Questionnaire; 4) Validation 5) Documentation. Data sources in this study are teachers, children, kindergarten principals and design and material experts. The results of the t test for wide-scale field trials are t count of 21.189, while t table is 4.388 then or 21.189 > 4.381. Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning that there was a significant change in the recognition of the concept of numbers and symbols of numbers in early childhood. While the N-Gain value is 0.71 in the high category and the % N-Gain value is 71 in the effective category. This means that the use of smart wheel game media is effectively used to introduce the concept of numbers and symbols of numbers in early childhood.
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