Create a New Paradigm of International Cooperation in Digital Education, Standards Leading, Resources Sharing and Platform Supporting
Digital Education, Standards-based Curriculum Development, Kaiwu Workshop ModelAbstract
This article describes Heilongjiang Agricultural Economy Vocational College's innovative approach to international cooperation in digital education. The college's model, "Standards Leading, Resources Sharing, Platform Supporting," emphasizes developing and sharing high-quality digital resources aligned with international standards. The college has established the "Malaysia Kaiwu Workshop" as a model for collaborating with foreign institutions to train skilled talents and build the vocational education brand of Heilongjiang Province. This approach has led to the development of several internationally recognized vocational education standards and resources, fostering deeper collaboration with countries like Russia and Malaysia.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Zhang Jing, Jiang Guijuan, Nie Hongchen, Liu Yubing, Shang Mingjuan

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