Building an International Talent Pipeline: A Vocational College's International Collaboration Model for Agricultural Cooperation


  • Zhang Jing Heilongjiang Agricultural Economy Vocational College, 157041, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China
  • Jiang Guijuan Heilongjiang Agricultural Economy Vocational College, 157041, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China
  • Nie Hongchen Heilongjiang Agricultural Economy Vocational College, 157041, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China
  • Li Xiaomei Heilongjiang Agricultural Economy Vocational College, 157041, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China



Russia-Oriented Vocational Education, Industry-Education Integration,


Heilongjiang Agricultural Economic Vocational College has distinguished itself as a premier institution for developing international skilled talents for agricultural sector with its neighbouring country- Russia. Through a comprehensive approach focused on industry-education integration, the college has built a strong network of partnerships with government agencies, universities, enterprises, and research institutes. This network is embodied in the "1 consortium, 2 platforms, and 3 centers" model, which facilitates collaborative efforts like the Sino-Russian Agricultural High-Tech Demonstration Park and the cultivation of new-type professional farmers for Russia. The college's success in cultural exchange is also noteworthy, with initiatives like Mr. Liu Litao's exhibition in Belarus fostering deeper understanding. Looking forward, the college plans to further solidify its position by establishing a "one consortium, one workshop, and one campus" structure to support the development of key agricultural trade sectors and train skilled talents for Chinese enterprises operating in Russia.


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How to Cite

Zhang Jing, Jiang Guijuan, Nie Hongchen, & Li Xiaomei. (2024). Building an International Talent Pipeline: A Vocational College’s International Collaboration Model for Agricultural Cooperation. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 51–53.