Analysis of Language Errors: Forms of Phoneme Omissions in Speech Video Accountability Report at Pondok Tahfidz Nurul Quran MAN 1 Kudus


  • Luthfa Nugraheni Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Rifqi Ulil Azmi Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Nur Alfin Hidayati Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Sri Surachmi W Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia
  • Ristiyani Ristiyani Muria Kudus University, Kudus Regency, 59532, Indonesia



Language Error Analysis, Phonology, Phoneme Omission


This study focuses on the analysis of language errors in the phonological level in the form of phoneme changes in accountability reports at the Nurul Quran Tahfidz Boarding School MAN 1 Kudus. Errors in Indonesian occur with a morphophonemic process, namely the process that occurs in a morpheme due to the meeting of one morpheme with another. Most of those related to writing concern the phonological level. Phonological errors themselves are very small and cause different meanings to emerge. Phonological errors in Indonesian include phoneme changes, phoneme deletions, and phoneme additions. Phoneme changes are changes in sound or phonemes in a word with the aim of making the word sound clear. This study aims to analyze language errors in the phonological level in the form of phoneme changes in the video of accountability report activities at the Nurul Quran Tahfidz Boarding School MAN 1 Kudus. It is hoped that this study can be a basic means of using good and correct Indonesian. The research method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative. This qualitative research approach involves presenting the results of the analysis in descriptive form. Qualitative data were obtained through various data collection techniques including interviews, document analysis, focused discussions, and observations that have been written in the form of field notes (transcripts). The data in this study are primary data in the form of text fragments in the transcript of the Accountability Report video script. The source of data obtained from this study is the text on the Accountability Report procession video followed by students of the Nurul Quran Tahfidz Boarding School MAN 1 Kudus, especially to the Santri Management who are in class XI. Meanwhile, in this study, data were obtained from conversations or dialogues between characters in the Lara Ati Season 1 drama by Bayu Eko Moektito. In this study, data were collected by applying the listening method and note-taking technique. The note-taking technique in this study was applied after going through the process of watching the video procession of the Accountability Report activity of the Nurul Quran Tahfidz Boarding School MAN 1 Kudus, the researcher recorded important information for later analysis. Based on the data studied, there were findings in the form of language errors in the phonological level in the form of phoneme omissions. There were 13 error data in the analyzed quotation fragments.


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How to Cite

Nugraheni, L., Azmi, R. U. ., Hidayati, N. A. ., Surachmi W, S. ., & Ristiyani, R. (2022). Analysis of Language Errors: Forms of Phoneme Omissions in Speech Video Accountability Report at Pondok Tahfidz Nurul Quran MAN 1 Kudus. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 71–79.

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