The Influence of Pbl Learning Models on Learning Outcomes of Language Research Methodology Courses
PBL Method, Language Research Methodology, Learning OutcomesAbstract
The ability to solve problems is one of the skills that is very important and needed in the 21st century. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the PBL model on learning outcomes in language research methodology courses. This research is a quasi-experimental type of quantitative research and the design used is post-test only control. The population of this study were all 5th semester students taking the language research methodology course. The sample in this research is class IIA as an experimental class using the Problem Based Learning learning model and class IIB as a control class using a lecture learning model. Class random sampling technique. The data collected used were learning outcomes tests and self-efficacy questionnaires. The analytical test used is a two-way analysis of variance with unequal cells, with a significance level of 5%, the result is that Ho A is rejected, so is Ho B rejected and so Ho AB is accepted. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: (1) There are differences in Problem Based Learning learning models on learning outcomes, (2) There are differences between students who have high, medium and low self-efficacy on learning outcomes, (3) There is no interaction between PBL learning model and self-efficacy on student learning outcomes.
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