Improving Public Service to Achieve Good Corporate Governance for the Enhancement of Regional Revenue (PAD)
Public Services, good corporate governance, locally-generated revenueAbstract
In providing public services, government officials are responsible for providing the best service to the community in order to create community welfare. Public services in the field of regionally owned companies are regional income from the net profits of regional companies in the form of regional development funds. Research problems include 1) why are public services in realizing good corporate governance not yet effective? 2) how can public services be improved to realize good corporate governance to increase Regional Original Income (PAD)? This research method uses an empirical juridical research type, namely research that uses a statutory regulatory approach, a conceptual approach and a comparative approach. The research results show that: 1) public services in realizing good corporate governance have not been effective, influenced by internal factors, namely demands for tariff adjustments and demands for welfare improvements. Meanwhile, external factors come from outside the company, including the national PDAM debt restructuring policy by the central government to regional companies by providing support for capital participation and tariff adjustments; 2) The regulation of public services in realizing good corporate governance is currently regulated by Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Regional Owned Enterprises. This was formed to follow up on the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. Consistent implementation of good corporate governance as the operational basis, which basically aims to increase business success and company accountability in order to realize shareholder value in the long term while still paying attention to the interests of other stakeholders, and based on statutory regulations and ethical values; 3) Improving public services in realizing good corporate governance to increase Regional Original Income (PAD) of Regional Public Drinking Water Companies requires the role of Regional Government by establishing cooperation with other parties in the procurement of goods/services by carrying out reforms in the procurement of goods/services by accommodating participation. the public as one of the pillars of good and clean governance, apart from that it is necessary to reconstruct the legal system for government procurement of goods/services which so far has only been regulated in Presidential Decrees. In the future, ideally procurement of goods/services will be regulated by law; and supervision by the community as control of government procurement of goods/services.
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