Reformulation of Handling Violations of Civil Servant Neutrality in Fair and Just Elections
Reformulation, civil servant neutrality, general elections, justiceAbstract
Elections have become a fundamental need for all government regimes. Each stage of election administration allows for violations by organizers, election participants, and voters. Election administration often sees violations of the neutrality of civil servants that need proper regulation. This research will discuss and analyze the implementation of handling violations of civil servant neutrality in elections that lack justice and how to reformulate the handling of violations of civil servant neutrality in fair elections. The research method uses the type of empirical juridical research, with an approach to legislation, conceptual approaches, and comparative approaches. The research results show that: The implementation of handling violations of civil servant neutrality in elections that lack justice is caused by internal factors, namely the presence of non-neutral civil servants in the general election. External factors include every five-year democratic event titled elections, which are not only seen through the strength of the synergy between the TNI and the Police. Reformulation of handling violations of civil servant neutrality in fair elections requires regulations in the form of laws that explain the handling of election crimes, especially the involvement of civil servants in elections. The establishment of an Election Court consisting of the Indonesian National Police, the Public Prosecutor's Office, Judges, and several representatives with a background in election crimes that can handle election disputes.
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