Dynamics of Supervision on Foreign Workers (TKA) in Indonesia: Implications of Current Regulations on National Sovereignty and the Welfare of Local Workers


  • Deddy Gunawan Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG) Semarang, Indonesia
  • Mashari Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG) Semarang, Indonesia




Foreign workers supervision, licensing mechanisms, omnibus law on job creation


Supervision of Foreign Workers (TKA) in Indonesia has been the primary focus within the context of licensing mechanisms, such as the Foreign Worker Utilization Plan (RPTKA) and the Permit to Employ Foreign Workers (IMTA). Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower provides the legal basis for the supervision of TKA, yet new dynamics have emerged with regulatory changes, especially through the Omnibus Law on Job Creation (Law No. 6 of 2023). The shift from criminal sanctions to administrative penalties and the elimination of IMTA provide flexibility but concurrently result in social and economic impacts, including wage disparities and unequal treatment of TKA and local workers. Moreover, the significance of knowledge transfer between TKA and local human resources demands effective synergy. Striking a balance between the need for specific skills from TKA and enhancing the capabilities of local human resources is crucial to sustaining economic growth without compromising the welfare of local workers. The active participation and representation of labor groups in policy-making are acknowledged as essential, ensuring social justice and the rights of local workers. While regulatory changes may support foreign investment, a careful evaluation of their impact on local labor is necessary. In conclusion, regulatory updates must continually accommodate the evolving economic dynamics while preserving social justice and the rights of local workers.


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How to Cite

Gunawan, D., & Mashari. (2024). Dynamics of Supervision on Foreign Workers (TKA) in Indonesia: Implications of Current Regulations on National Sovereignty and the Welfare of Local Workers. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.53797/icccmjssh.v3i2.8.2024