The Relationship Between Interest in Learning and Learning Outcomes in Class IV Natural and Social Sciences Subjects at Elementary School Blimbing Kidul Kudus District
Relationship, learning interest, learning outcomes, IPAS, elementary schoolAbstract
This study aims to determine the relationship between interest in learning and student learning outcomes in the fourth-grade science subject at Elementary School No. 3 Blimbing Kidul. Design/methodology/approach: The approach used in this study is quantitative with a correlational type. The population was taken from all fourth-grade students with a sample of 29 students. The instrument used is a closed questionnaire of interest in learning using a Likert scale and for learning outcomes from the documentation of daily test scores for the science subject in chapter 8 (Eight), even for the semesters 2022/2023. Data analysis techniques in this study were validity test, normality test, linearity test and hypothesis testing using SPSS 15.0. The results of this study indicate that student learning interest has a positive and significant effect on science learning outcomes with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 and a correlation coefficient value of 0.808, which is in the very high category, and from the indicators of interest in learning the results show that all hands have a relationship or correlated with learning outcomes so that it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between learning interest and student learning outcomes in the science subject class IV Elementary School No. 3 Blimbing Kidul.
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