The Sinergy of Law and Technological Development for Humankind: Cyber Crime


  • Haryono Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia
  • Suparnyo Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia



Cyber-crime, technological development, cyber law


This article aims to let us learn more about cyber-crime. The development of this information technology in turn changes the social order and behavior. In fact, it does not only end there, but also changes the reality of the economy, culture, politics and law. Therefore, behind the positive benefits, internet technology also has a small negative impact. Information technology is the mother of cyber-crimes. In other word, cyber-crime is nothing more than wrongful use of computer technology. This research is a normative legal research, so according to the type and nature of the research, the data sources used are secondary data consisting of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials consisting of books, scientific journals, scientific papers and articles that can provide an explanation of the material primary law. Cybercrime actually not only uses the sophistication of computer technology but also utilizes information technology computer in its operation. The development of information technology has also formed a new world society that is no longer hindered by territorial boundaries and has turned everything that is far away from being near what is imaginary into reality. But behind this progress, has also given birth to new unrest with the emergence of sophisticated crime in the form of cybercrime. The increasing number of cybercrime cases (especially in Indonesia) has attracted the attention of the government to immediately enact laws that can be used to trap criminals in cyberspace. The Indonesian government itself has incorporated the Cybercrime Law into the ITE Law Number 11 of 2008, and hopes that the ITE Law Number 11 of 2008 can overcome, reduce, and stop the perpetrators of crime in cyberspace.


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How to Cite

Haryono, & Suparnyo. (2024). The Sinergy of Law and Technological Development for Humankind: Cyber Crime. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 21–26.