Strengthening the Agency and Identity of Professional Educators Based on Local Wisdom to Realize the Scientific Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the Study Programme and Implementation of Merdeka Belajar at PGSD Universitas Muria Kudus
Social constructivism, teacher professional agency and identity, global meaning creation, Merdeka Belajar policy, PGSD UMKAbstract
In the research literature on teacher education in Indonesia, there are not many studies that capture and reveal how study programmes realize their scientific vision, mission and objectives and how they implement the education policies of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. To fill this gap, qualitative research was conduct with a directed content analysis design with the theories of social constructivism, teacher professional agency and identity, and global meaning-making as the theoretical framework. The purpose of this research is to gain a contextual understanding of what the PGSD UMK study programme needs to do in order to realize its scientific vision, mission, and goals (ideals) and implement Merdeka Belajar policy. The findings of our research are a set of suggestions about the daily practices that need to be demonstrated by lecturers (prospective teacher educators) and study programme students (prospective teachers) to achieve ideals and contribute to the implementation of the policy. Based on these findings, we invite stakeholders to be involved in the realization process.
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