Mapping Indonesian-Thailand Traditional Arts for Indonesian for Foreign Speakers Students (BIPA)
Mapping, traditional arts, foreign speakerAbstract
Indonesian is one of the tools used to communicate. Indonesian language diplomacy efforts in the Thaksin University, language study program are through the BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) program. The steps for introducing Indonesian to international students are through Wayang media. Wayang is a replica of human life behaviour. The choice of Wayang media in this research is Wayang Beber. Wayang Beber is the oldest Wayang in Indonesia. The example of preserving and introducing Indonesian culture, especially in the Malay language study program at Thaksin University. This research focuses on examining language aspects, especially speaking skills. Speaking skills are considered very important for using communication tools. Therefore, using Wayang Beber media is an effort to improve speaking skills in 2nd year Thaksin University Malay study program students. International students use Wayang Beber media to tell stories about daily activities. These activities are implemented starting from waking up, eating, going to campus, and activities at night. The method used in this research is a qualitative case study method. The data collection used in this research was observation, interviews and documentation.
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