Research on Local Internationalization of Higher Vocational Education: Literature Review and Research Perspectives
Internationalization in the field, internationalization, globalization, post-epidemic, cross-culturalAbstract
With the acceleration of globalization, the education sector has also undergone significant changes. The technological advancements, economic development, political influences, and cultural exchanges brought about by globalization have had a profound impact on educational planning. This paper aims to explore the effects of globalization on the internationalization of education systems, teaching methods, the distribution of educational resources, and the mobility of students and teachers, analyzing the challenges and opportunities these changes present. Through a literature review, this paper systematically studies the transformations in the internationalization of education in the context of globalization. The research finds that localized internationalization promotes the sharing of educational resources and diversifies educational opportunities but also exacerbates the uneven distribution of educational resources and creates conflicts between cultural homogenization and educational localization. The paper argues that localized internationalization will become the main pathway for the internationalization of vocational education. Government departments should play an active role in policy response, promoting the diversified development of vocational education and providing practical guidance for the localized internationalization reform of vocational education in China.
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