Analysis of Problems in The Teaching and Learning of Science Process Skills Through Hermeneutic Method in SJK(T) from North Kinta District
Science Process skill, thinking skill, HermeneuticAbstract
This study was conducted to analysis the problem in teaching and learning of science process skills in SJK(T) through Hermeneutic Method. A qualitative approach was used in this study. This study only focused on 10 National Type (Tamil) Schools from North Kinta District, Perak. This study was conducted on participants consisting of 10 teachers, namely one teacher from each school in North Kinta District. Findings from questionnaires, interview and observations show that respondents still face various problems in the teaching and learning of science process skills. Data were obtained through triangulation results from questionnaires, interviews and observations. Based on the observation, it was found that teachers face difficulties in teaching science process skills such as teachers lack mastery of science process skills and thinking skill, lack of reference materials, time constraints, no diversity in learning and facilitation, students do not understand the concept and requirements of science process skills and thinking skill, students are less skilled in science process skills and students are less interested. The Ministry of Education Malaysia, schools and Science teachers should review and make improvements to the teaching and learning of science process skills.
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