Theft of Customer Personal Data as a Cybercrime in the Banking Sector


  • Khofifah Department of Law, Universitas Muria Kudus, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia



Cyber-crime, theft of customer personal data, law enforcement, banking sector


One of the technological developments that can be felt by society today is the advancement of information technology in the banking sector. The development of banking technology makes it easier for customers to transact with each other. However, this rapid technological development can lead to cybercrimes in the banking sector, such as theft of customer personal data. Customer personal data is important and must be protected based on the principle of banking secrecy. Cybercrimes in the banking sector that are capable of being carried out for various banking activities are related to the security system when carrying out each activity. The theft of customer personal data has become a problem for society due to technological developments. The purpose of this research is to find out the law enforcement for the perpetrators of customer personal data theft and to find out the punishment given to the perpetrators of customer personal data theft. The method used in this research is the normative juridical method, namely research based on literature related to law enforcement for perpetrators of customer personal data theft. Law enforcement in this case must be carried out optimally so that people feel safe and protected from cybercrime. Criminal liability for perpetrators of customer personal data theft is carried out as a law enforcement of customer personal data theft. Law enforcement of personal data is carried out based on law number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions (ITE) and law number 27 of 2022 concerning on personal data protection.


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How to Cite

Khofifah. (2024). Theft of Customer Personal Data as a Cybercrime in the Banking Sector . ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 26–32.


