Development of Trasedu Media on Human Hearing Material
Augmented Reality, human sense of hearing, Trasedu mediaAbstract
This research is motivated by students' understanding of human auditory material that is not optimal. Based on interviews with educators, this is due to the use of the learning environment in the form of poster media which is less attractive so that daily assessments are still below the minimum standard of perfection set by the school. The purposes of this study were 1) to analyze needs, 2) to analyze the feasibility and 3) to test the effectiveness of trasedu media for class IV MI students at KKG MI Sedan District, Rembang Regency. This research is a development research or R&D using the Borg and Gall development method to develop a Trasedu environment model to increase students' understanding of class IV MI. The results showed that 1) based on observations and questionnaires, information was obtained that the level of need for the Trasedu platform was quite high 2) the feasibility of developing this platform was tested with the results collected points is very good and 3) based on the results of the t-test that t count > t table, namely 17.647 > 1.669, it can be concluded that Trasedu media is effective in increasing students' understanding of KKG Class IV MI MI, Sedan District, Rembang Regency. Based on the results of this development research, it can be concluded that 1) Trasedu media is very necessary for students, 2) Trasedu media is suitable for learning and 3) Trasedu media is effective in increasing student understanding.
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