Identification of Problems in the Implementation of Follow-up Academic Supervision by Headmaster


  • C. K Endang Muria Kudus University, Kudus, 59327 Central Java, Indonesia



Academic supervision, headmaster, teacher


This study aims to describe the problems in implementing academic supervision. This study used qualitative research methods. The main sources of this research are school principals and educators or teachers. The data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation, with data processing and analysis techniques carried out, namely collecting data, data reduction, data presentation and concluding to test the data's validity through source triangulation. The results showed that school principals faced obstacles in implementing follow-up academic supervision: 1) some teachers continued to teach the way they taught before, 2) some teachers were reluctant to convey the problems they were experiencing, 3) not all teachers could attend the training, while direct coaching from the headmaster unit is only done at the beginning of the year meeting.


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How to Cite

Endang, C. K. (2023). Identification of Problems in the Implementation of Follow-up Academic Supervision by Headmaster. ICCCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(6), 16–20.